How important are our ideas?

When we collaborate on a project, we all have ideas, many of which will be dismissed. This can be damaging to self-esteem.

Many ideas are spontaneous, superficial or flippant but ideas which are developed and considered over time become personal. They come from personal experience, exploration, comparison, and recognition of consequences. All this knowledge supports or dismisses ideas. So when a really good idea comes along, a lot of investment comes with it.

To get children (and adults) to understand the significance of personally grown ideas I play this game:

  1. Have a bag of lemons from which each student chooses the lemon they like the look of and, holding it, they stand in a large circle facing the middle.
  2. They are asked to closely examine their lemon; to observe every tiny detail – each blemish, indentation, colours, patterns, shape and size. They also smell, gently squeeze and roll the lemon in their hands.
  3. They look for the most attractive feature of the lemon and memorise patterns, spots etc so they would recognise their lemon if they had to (planting a thought that they might lose it or have it stolen from them)
  4. This is a light hearted exercise but this next bit will need insistence that they comply and take it seriously or the game won’t work. You tell them to think carefully about how much they love their lemon and stress that the lemon belongs exclusively to them– that’s what makes it so special. What you want is the students’ commitment to their lemon, to LOVE their lemon; they will protect and nurture it, the lemon depends on its owner for survival. Threatening to take their lemon off them usually does the trick. Even if they haven’t committed to loving their lemon, if they can’t have it. Nobody will!
  5. When you feel that this is happening, ask the students to “show off” their lemon to the person next to them – their lemon is the best and what qualities of their lemon they are most proud of.  They acknowledge that their lemon is worthy of their praise.
  6. Then you drop the killer blow. They must do it even though they won’t want to. They must roll their lemon into the middle of the circle. What usually happens; they follow their lemon closely with their eyes, they feel anxious, they gasp if their lemon hits another and they ricochet in another direction.
  7. Hold the tension for a little longer than feels uncomfortable and tell them they can retrieve their lemon if they can find it. The scramble for their lemon shows the success of this exercise. The relief when they retrieve it is like a parent finding a lost child.  (maybe not so acute but the lemon is theirs, like a loved toy or pet.)
  8. Now what’s all this about? There is a discussion about how they felt, particularly at the point when they rolled it into the middle and when they found it again.
  9. Then exchange the lemon for their own really good idea. Ask how they would feel if somebody said their lemon was rubbish, their idea was rubbish.

Not everyone will fully understand the implications of the exercise and that is dependant on how committed they felt in the game. But most will agree that if you are sharing ideas, there needs to be a level of trust and that everyone should respect that a contributor of an idea may feel that dismissal of their idea is a personal rejection. If this is done in a brutal way, trust is lost and the contributor no longer wants to collaborate.

Sophie age 10 said, “The best thing to do is include the best bits of each idea so everyone feels their idea is valued.”  We own our ideas and are ready to share them with others and let them grow. When they are acknowledged and included, we feel we are valued.

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Company number: 11273254


Holiday Workshops

Fun-filled Activity days where kids can let off steam, make new friends and create an amazing story using their imagination. Each Workshop has a theme that can be taken anywhere the kids want it to be.

Professional, qualified tutors with enhanced DBS certificates, help the kids to learn Dramatic skills, develop their moves and experience exciting performances with a difference




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Bespoke Schools Projects * qualify for funding * in School Hall or classrooms

LEADA provide Inspirational Improvised Drama to enhance Schools’ curriculum. Qualified Tutors with enhanced DBS Certificates engage your pupils and develop critical thinking, creativity, communication and problem-solving skills. Ideal for Literacy, History, Science, PSHE and Play in a Day themed to enhance your School Curriculum.

Email Linda@leada.biz to arrange a free Consultation delivering a project that suits your pupils’ needs

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Showcase 2024

A chance to see what the kids get up to in our Drama classes. There will be sketches they have created and demonstrations of Drama games they love – guests can join in too.

You will see how they start a story from scratch and see them perform an improvised piece. The performers will not know what they are doing until it is announced on stage.

Bring your own party food and drinks. This is a free event for LEADA members and their guests. Potential new members are invited to see what LEADA Drama is all about.

There will be a raffle to raise funds for the venue hire and a local charity

Wednesday 27th March 18:00 - 20:00

@ The Queen Mary Centre, Wisbech

Cost: free to LEADA members and guests

Book your table by email: Linda@leada.biz


LEADA Big Annual Show

(To be announced when the kids have decided what their plays are about)

Work started on this in February with one simple idea, which turned into this epic story, designed and developed by class members

Costumes, sets and props created by our volunteers

(If you’d like to join our team, please email: Linda@leada.biz)

Bring your own party food and drinks.

There is a raffle to raise funds for the venue hire and a local charity

Saturday 13th July 18:30 - 20:30

After Show Party and Awards Ceremony 20:30

@ The Queen Mary Centre, Wisbech

Cost: free to LEADA members and guests

Book your table by email: Linda@leada.biz


LEADA Family Karaoke Summer Party

Viva perform their Summer Songs

Karaoke for all the family

Bring your own party food and drinks. This is a free event for LEADA members and their guests. Potential new members are invited to see what Viva is all about.

There is a raffle to raise funds for the venue hire and a local charity

Friday 19th July 19:30 - 22:00

@ The Queen Mary Centre, Wisbech

Cost: free to LEADA members and guests

Book your table by email: Linda@leada.biz

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Adult Vocal Classes * Free taster session * The Queen Mary Centre * Viva Choir

VIVA LA VOCE vocal classes for adults over 18

A fun Vocal class for those who want to sing better, be more confident and feel good. Led by a professional voice coach, Viva members learn techniques, improve vocal health, strength, pitching, performance, well-being and feel inspired.

Prepare to laugh a lot with new friends, sing songs you love and songs you never thought you would ever sing! Viva perform at local events. You won’t need to read music or audition.

Fridays 19:00 -21:15

Term Dates

Cost: £30 per half term Due before term start and before the second half term start.


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Kids Drama classes * Free taster session * all classes are in the Queen Mary Centre

CENTRE STAGE for young people in Year 7 - 11 (11-16 years old)

They explore more meaty topics: interestingly deep, scarily tense and hilariously dark. Supported by qualified and experienced tutors and role players, they gain confidence and develop more advanced life skills. In this class they find their voice and are heard. They get to share what they have done at special events.

Wednesdays 18:30 - 20:30

Term Dates

Cost: £40 per half term Due before term start and before the second half term start.

Bursaries available - Contact us to apply



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